mainGNU Anubis - Summary

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2 active members

Group identification
Id: #121
System Name: anubis
Name: GNU Anubis
Group Type: Mirroring

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This is a mirror of a project hosted elsewhere.

GNU Anubis is an SMTP message submission daemon. It represents an intermediate layer between mail user agent (MUA) and mail transport agent (MTA), receiving messages from the MUA, applying to them a set of predefined changes and finally inserting modified messages into an MTA routing network. The set of changes applied to a message is configurable on a system-wide and per-user basis. The built-in configuration language used for defining sets of changes allows for considerable flexibility and is easily extensible.

Registration Date: Sun May 22 10:05:47 2005
License: GNU General Public License V3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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